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current expenses中文是什么意思

用"current expenses"造句"current expenses"怎么读"current expenses" in a sentence


  • 经常开支
  • 杂费


  • He says that when people are living upon their capital they must keep down current expenses by turning a penny where they can .
  • They had an arrangement by which he placed twelve dollars a week in her hands , out of which to pay current expenses
  • In virtue of a acquaintance initiated in september 1903 in the establishment of george mesias , merchant tailor and outfitter , 5 eden quay , b hospitality extended and received in kind , reciprocated and reappropriated in person , c comparative youth subject to impulses of ambition and magnanimity , colleagual altruism and amorous egoism , d extraracial attraction , intraracial inhibition , supraracial prerogative , e an imminent provincial musical tour , common current expenses , net proceeds divided
用"current expenses"造句  
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